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Этот "карманный" справочник от издательства Penguin содержит около 300 глаголов, наиболее часто используемых в деловой английской речи и переписке.

Getting started

  1. Staying in touch On the phone   call (back) • connect • hold (on) put through • ring (back) • return (a call) • transfer By e-mail   attach • call up • click • delete • e-mail • forward log on • print • save • search • undo • wipe By post   courier • deliver • mail • receive • wrap By fax   cancel • come through • dial • get • load • redial run out
  2. On the job Job description   answer to • liaise with • manage report to • supervise Recruitment   apply • employ • hire • interview • take on Career development   appraise • demote • pass over perform • promote • train Industrial relations   go on strike • negotiate • represent suspend • walk out • warn The end   dismiss • fire • lay off • make redundant • resign •retire • sack
  3. Finance and structure Working together   be associated • co-operate form an alliance • merge Getting bigger    acquire • bid for • expand • start out  • swallow up • take over Getting smaller   break up • divide • go out of business split up • strip Finance    fund • go bankrupt • invest • issue shares raise money Dealing   deal • go long • go short • hedge • trade
  4. Travel Tickets   book • collect • pick up • reserve Planes   board • check in • go through * land • proceed take off • transfer Trains    alight • arrive • catch • depart • get off • leave Cars   drive • hire • insure • rent • return Hotels   check in • check out • complain • move • store
  5. Socialising Arrangements    arrange • drop off • expect • get back • pick up Invitations    accept • invite • look forward • request the pleasure Restaurants   be off • bring • charge • order • take away Parties   greet • introduce • mix • mingle • offer • pour Small talk   break the ice • chat • enjoy • gossip • relax
  6. Meetings Arrangements    confirm • firm up • make a date • pencil in • set up Formalities    chair • close • exchange (business cards) • minute Opinions    interrupt • make a point • propose • put forward • state the obvious Discussion   argue • debate • discuss • talk over • thrash out Agreement   agree • compromise • disagree • hammer out • settle • summarise
  7. Money matters Buying and selling   auction • pick up • purchase • sell off • sell out • shop around Negotiating   bargain • barter • haggle • reduce • refund Moving money   cash • credit * debit • deposit • repay • withdraw Paying   advance • cover • foot the bill • invoice • reimburse Breaking the law   bribe • defraud • fine • swindle • trick
  8. Promotion To market    add • announce • bring out • launch • publish • release In the shop    choose • display • enquire • generate interest • promote • select On line   access • browse • download • specialise • surf • visit • Informing the public   advertise • endorse • publicise • recognise • sponsor Getting feedback   get feedback • give something a plug  • report • review • take off
  9. Reporting Informing   describe • explain • move on • outline • present • summarise Influencing   claim • define • influence • mention Consulting   advise • conclude • consult • recommend • suggest Apologising   admit • apologise • assure • confess • cover up • justify Persuading   convince • demonstrate • emphasise • insist •  persuade
  10. Production The factory   assemble • manufacture • package • produce • put together Research and development   design • develop • experiment • monitor • pilot • research Quality   check • control • inspect • remove • replace • rework The workshop   beat • bolt • repair • screw • spray • weld The warehouse   deliver • lift • put away • shift • stock

Business Verbs Index


Pearson Education Limited, Edinburgh Gate,  Harlow, Essex CM20 2JE, England and Associated Companies throughout the world.

ISBN 0 582 46896 5 First published 2000  Text copyright © David Evans 2000 The moral right of the author has been asserted*

Produced for the publisher by Bluestone Press, Charlbury, UK. Designed and typeset by White Horse Graphics, Charlbury, UK. Illustrations by Anthony Seldon (Graham-Cameron Illustration).  Photography by Patrick Ellis,  Printed and bound in Denmark by Norhaven A/S, Viborg,

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Why business verbs?
Do you need English in your business? Do you need a lot of special English words? Do you think to yourself - Where can I find out what these words are?

Business is about action, and many of the words associated with business are verbs. If you learn all the verbs in the Penguin Quick Guide to Business English Verbs you will be well on the way to communicating effectively through English in business situations. And there are two other business books in the series - Business English Words and Business English Phrases.

What's in this book?
This book contains over three hundred very useful business verbs. Each chapter presents these verbs under familiar business topic headings. The Review page at the end of each chapter tests your understanding. Answers to these questions are in the Answers section at the back of the book. All the verbs in the book are also listed in the Business Verbs Index.

Why is this book called a Quick Guide?

Because it guides you quickly to the most important words for you. And because you can learn all these words in a short time. Spend ten minutes each day with this book and see how quickly you learn.
Here is one way of working with the book.

  • Choose a relevant chapter. For example, Staying in touch presents important verbs for communicating by phone, fax, e-mail and post. This chapter is probably useful for everyone. Read the chapter. How many of the business verbs do you understand?
  • Answer the questions in the Review at the end of the chapter. Then go to the Answers section. Were you right? 
  • Now go to the Business Verbs Index. Write the words in your language.

Staying in touch

On the phone

No, I can't transfer you!

 No, I'm sorry, I can't put you through to Mrs Porter. I can't connect you to anyone …

No, I'm afraid you can't hold on…

No, she won't call you back. She can't ring you back and nobody is going to return your call…

And no, I can't transfer you to another line …

Why not? Because Mrs Porter doesn't work here. In fact, nobody works here … YOU'VE GOT THE WRONG NUMBER! 

put through


hold (on)

call (back)

ring (back)

return (a call)



By e-mail



logon save click

delete undo


Hi John,

I found the report that you attached to your e-mail when I logged on to my computer this morning. I thought the report was great. I wanted to keep it, so I tried to save it to my hard disk. Unfortunately, I clicked on the wrong button and I deleted it instead! I tried to undo the command, but that didn't work. So I searched for it, but it just wasn't there. Could you send it again?

Many thanks, Rita

I searched
for it but
it wasn't

With one click of the mouse Uncle Raymond wiped his entire life!  

Dear Rita,

I' m pleased you liked the report - but I'm afraid it wasn't mine. Caroline wrote it and e-mailed it to me. I forwarded it to you because I thought you'd be interested. However, there's some bad news. When I tried to call it up just now I found that it had been wiped from my computer too - it was gone! But don't worry I printed a copy before that happened so I'll post it to you.




call up




By post






Who needs e-mail? If I want to send a message to someone, I write a letter, put a stamp on it and mail it. It's simple and cheap.

If I've got a package, I wrap it and ask the post office to deliver it for me. You can't do that with e-mail, can you? And if it's urgent I get a motorbike rider to courier it for me. Then I know for sure it will be received safely. So I'll stay with snail mail, thank you very much.

I'll stay with snail mail.

By fax



To: Sonia De Soto From: Patricia O Learey Date: 23.12.00

Dear Sonia,

I hope this fax comes through successfully. I've had a terrible time trying to get it to you. My fax machine was dialling and redialling your number for about three hours yesterday afternoon, before I decided that I'd had enough and cancelled it. What was the problem? Perhaps your machine had run out of paper? Or maybe you just hadn't put the paper in properly - you really should read the instructions about how to load it. i But, let's get down to business …

come through








Review 1

A Which verbs mean the same?

wipe   connect   delete   ring back put through   call back

B Write the missing word.

  1. He's not in. Can he …. your call later?
  2. I've written the report and …. it to this e-mail.
  3. I'll call for a motorbike and get them to …. the package to you.
  4. I've been trying to send this fax all morning. My fax machine has …. about twenty times.

C Match 1-4 with a-d.

  1. click
  2. logon
  3. run
  4. wrap up 
  1. a package
  2. of paper
  3. on the save button
  4. to a computer 

On the job

Job description

They all answer to me. 

Your job is to supervise the six people at the front desk -you make sure they all know what they're doing and that they don't make any mistakes. You report to Simon, who's the head of customer services. He manages you and four other supervisors. He also liaises with the heads of the other departments so that they all know what everyone else is doing. And, of course, as I'm the boss, they all answer to me.


report to


liaise with answer to


employ take on

hire apply


Dear Ms Zink,

Thank you for your enquiry about job vacancies. We are a small company and employ just six people on a full-time basis. However, we always take on extra staff during our busy summer months and so we are hiring at the moment. If you would like to apply for one of these temporary positions, please call me, so that we can arrange a time to interview you.

Yours sincerely, Manfred Seltzer

We are a small company and employ just six people.


If you are having problems, we train you to deal with them.

Every year we appraise you in other words, we talk to you about your work over the past year. If you're having problems, we train you to deal with them. If youVe done well, we try to promote you, although competition for the top jobs is tough so you could be passed over for promotion even if you have done well. And, of course, if you haven't performed well enough, we'll probably demote you, because in this company only the best is good enough.




pass over



  Industrial relations

I'm warning you.

These discussions have taken far too long and I'm not going to negotiate any more. As the trade union spokesman, I represent over half the workers in this factory and I'm warning you - if the workers that youVe suspended aren't allowed back to work by the end of the day, we'll all go on strike. That's right - we'll walk out.







walk out

  The end

You can retire happily at the age of sixty-five.


These are the only ways that you can lose your job at this company

  • Employees who steal will be dismissed.
  • Anyone who contradicts the boss will be sacked.
  • Salespeople who don't meet their targets will be fired.
  • When business is bad, the laziest workers will be laid off.
  • And if the company goes bankrupt, everyone will be made redundant.
  • If you don't like any of these rules, you're free to resign and find another job.
  • But if nothing goes wrong, you have a job for life and you can retire happily at the age of sixty-five.




make redundant

resign retire


Review 2

A Are these words about starting or finishing a job?

take on   apply   retire   employ   resign dismiss   hire   make redundant

B Replace the phrases in bold with one verb.

  1. I am the boss so you are responsible to me.
  2. If you work hard, you will be given a better job.
  3. If you don't know what to do, don't worry, we will educate you.
  4. If I don't get more money, I'll stop working.

C Complete the sentences with business verbs.

  1. You …. your line manager.
  2. Every year a manager …. your performance.
  3. The management is …. with the unions about pay and conditions. 

Finance and structure

  Working together

Our two companies want to be even more closely associated. 

We've been co-operating on a number of projects for many years and I'm delighted to say that the result is that our two companies now want to be even more closely associated. We're not just going to form an alliance - we've decided to merge and create one big successful company.


be associated

form an alliance


  Getting bigger

A multinational swallowed up the business.

The end for Sycamore?

Sycamore Stores started out with just one shop in a small town. The owner was ambitious and wanted to expand, so he acquired a small chain of shops in the nearest city. After a few years he took over another company by buying over 50% of their shares. Over the next few years he bid for several other companies, but he never succeeded in buying them. Then last year a huge multinational decided to buy Sycamore Stores and so they just swallowed it up.

start out



take over

bid for

swallow up

    Getting smaller

The corporation was divided in two.

In the 1990s the Red River Corporation was one of the world's great multinationals, before it was broken up into smaller parts. First it was divided in two. One half was split up into a number of smaller companies. The other half was bought by a bank which stripped its assets - including valuable city centre properties, which were sold to a supermarket chain - and then allowed the rest to go out of business.

break up


split up


go out of business


invest fund

raise money

issue shares

go  bankrupt

The truth is that our factories are much top old-fashioned -this company needs to invest in new machinery .But Where's the money going to come from - how are we going to fund this? In pur position, the only practical way to raise money is to issue more shares. And let's hope that people buy them, because if they don't we're almost certain to go bankrupt.

This company needs to invest in new machinery.





go long

go short


She deals in shares. Normally she just trades - in other words, she buys and sells. But it's not always as simple as that. Sometimes she goes long -she buys shares and keeps them because she thinks their value will rise. And sometimes she sells shares that she hasn't bought yet because she thinks their value will fall - that's called going short. Obviously it's risky but she can always hedge by buying lots of different kinds of shares and hope that if one goes down another will go up.

Sometimes she goes longand sometimes she goes short.


Review 3

A Match the words with similar meanings.

trade   go out of business   split up   divide deal   swallow up   take over   go bankrupt

B Complete these sentences with a verb.

  1. The two companies have become one; they've …
  2. She's selling shares she hasn't got; she's………………………………………
  3. He's holding the shares because he thinks they'll rise; he's…………………………
  4. He doesn't want to take too big a risk so he's going to

C Replace the words with business verbs.

  1. Our company wants to get bigger.
  2. We've been working together for many years.
  3. They are trying to buy their main rival.
  4. They've bought two new factories.



Can I book two seats on the three o'clock train to Hamburg? 

MAN:       Can I book two seats on the three o'clock train to Hamburg?
WOMAN: Yes, I can reserve two seats for you.
MAN:       Is it okay if I pay cash when I pick them up?
WOMAN: Yes, but you'll have to collect them at least half an hour before departure.
MAN:      No problem.



pick up






check in

go through



Right, let's check the details. Your flight from Sydney has just landed and you want to transfer to a flight to Dubai. Now, I'm afraid that you're a bit late. In fact your next plane's due to take off in just under twenty minutes. So when you've checked in this luggage, please go through passport control immediately and then proceed to gate 54 where your plane is now boarding.

Your next plane's due to take off in just under twenty minutes.


You should alight at Piccadilly station, madam

WOMAN: I'd like to catch the next train to Manchester. What time does it leave?
MAN:       It departs at 9.27, madam.
WOMAN: And when does it arrive?
MAN:       It depends which station you want, madam. Manchester's a big place.
WOMAN: Yes, of course. Well, where do I get off for the city centre?
MAN:      YOU should alight at Piccadilly station, madam.
WOMAN: YOU mean I get off at Piccadilly station?
MAN:      That's exactly what I said, madam.





get off








Dear Angelike

The best way to get to our office is to drive. I can give you the phone number of a local company where you can rent a car cheaply or, of course, you can hire one from one of the big companies when you arrive at the airport. The problem with renting at the airport is that you have to return the car there when you've finished with it. And don't forget to insure the car in case you have an accident.

Dont forget to insure the car in case you have an accident.


Don't complain, just move to a more expensive hotel Hotels

Dear Guest

When you check in, we ask you

to pay the full price for your

room in cash. To keep our prices

low, there are no porters at this

hotel so you have to carry your

luggage yourself. You have to

check out by nine o'clock in the

morning but you can store your

bags in our luggage room for a

fee of just £ 15 per day.

If you don't like the hotel's

policies, don't complain,

just move to a more

expensive hotel!

check in

check out





Review 4

A Use business verbs to fill these gaps.

  1. At the airport you should …. for your flight, then …. passport control and …. to gate 24 where your plane will be…………….
  2. When you …. a car you should always …. it in case you have an accident. You normally have to …. it to the rental office in the morning.
  3. When you have …. of a hotel you can normally…. your bags in the luggage room and …. them later.

B Match the words with similar meanings.

alight                                                      arrive                                                   book

collect                                                     depart                                                 get off

hire                                                         land                                                     leave

pick up                                                    rent                                                     reserve




pick up


drop off

get back

I've arranged the meeting for 3.30, so I'll pick you up in my car outside the Grand Hotel at 3.15 and drive you there. Can you wait for me on the pavement just outside the main entrance?

We're only expecting two other people to come to the meeting so it shouldn't last too long. When we've finished I can drop you off at the hotel again, so you should get back to your room by 5.30 at the latest.

I'll pick you up in my car at 3.15.



482 Montague Court

London NW1

27 May

Dear Mr Nelson,

Thank you for inviting me to the opening of the exhibition next Tuesday,

I am pleased to say that I am free that evening and so I am delighted to accept.

I look forward to meeting you there. Yours sincerely,

Deipkute, Shaker

Delphine Shaker

request the




look forward


I'm not going to eat it, so please take it away.

WOMAN: Excuse me! This fish smells strange - it must be off.
WAITER:   It can't be, madam, it was fresh this morning.
WOMAN: Well, I'm not going to eat it, so please take it away.
WAITER:   Of course, madam.
WOMAN: And I hope you're not going to charge me for it.
WAITER:   Certainly not, madam.
WOMAN: Good. Now bring me the menu again so that I can order something else.

be off

take away





Wayne always greeted his guests with a friendly word and a joke.

Wayne was the perfect host. He always greeted his guests at the door with a friendly word and a joke. Then he would ask, "Can I offer you something to eat or pour you a drink?"

If the guest didn't know anyone, Wayne would introduce them to one or two people, but he never stayed with one guest for too long. He knew it was important for a host to mix with everyone at a party and he liked his guests to mingle with each other as well.







      Small talk

break the ice






People were very quiet at the start of the party, but then Norman told a funny story which broke the ice. Everyone relaxed after that and soon we were all chatting happily. I gossiped with Tina about people in the office I never knew they had such interesting lives outside work. In the end we all enjoyed the party so much that we didn't want to leave.

Norman told a funny story which broke the ice.


Review 5

A Complete these sentences.

  1. She didn't eat the chicken because it was…………………..
  2. He picked her …. in his car.
  3. He got…. to his office at three after lunch.
  4. She dropped him …. at his flat after work.
  5. I'm looking …. to meeting you next week.

B Choose the correct verb.

  1. They arranged / ordered to meet the next day,
  2. I'd like to introduce / invite you to my party.
  3. The hostess accepted / greeted her guests.
  4. They expected / waited fifty people at the reception.

C Match 1-3 with a-c.

  1. request
  2. break
  3. pour
  • the ice
  • a drink
  • the pleasure 



I don't know what I'm doing over the next few weeks so I cant confirm it now.

a: Shall we set up a meeting to discuss the proposal?

b: That's a good idea.

a: Can we make a date for some time around the beginning of September?

b: That sounds okay, but I don't know exactly what I'm doing over the next few weeks so I can't confirm it now.

a: That's no problem. Let's pencil in a time and date, and I'll call you two days before so that we can firm it up.


make a date


pencil in

firm up



482 Montague Court

London NW1

27 May

Dear Mr Nelson,

Thank you for inviting me to the opening of the exhibition next Tuesday,

I am pleased to say that I am free that evening and so I am delighted to accept.

I look forward to meeting you there. Yours sincerely,

Deipkute, Shaker

Delphine Shaker

request the




look forward



exchange (business cards)



Reginald was chairing the meeting today, so it was very formal. At the beginning he introduced every single person and asked us all to exchange business cards - which was pointless, because we knew each other already. Then he made sure that his secretary minuted every tiny point - the poor woman didn't stop writing for the whole hour. And when he closed the meeting he spoke for so long that three people fell asleep.

Reginald was chairing the meeting today.


Whatever you do, don't interrupt me when I'm talking. 

I hate people who waste my time in meetings. So if you're just going to state the obvious, it's probably better to keep your mouth shut. But if you really want to make a point about something on the agenda, if you want to put forward a new idea or if you want to propose a solution to a problem, then I'm very happy to listen. But whatever you do, don't interrupt me when I'm talking.

state the obvious

make a point

put forward





talk over



thrash out

We've been discussing the plan all afternoon. Things started quietly. First we talked over our roles in the project and then we debated the good and the bad points of the plan. Unfortunately, everybody had a different opinion on the budget, so we argued about that for ages. It took us over an hour just to thrash out a solution on that one point.

We argued

about it for ages.


It takes such a long time to hammer out a deal.


Okay. Let's summarise the position. This is what we've decided so far.

I agree with you on point one, that's okay.

But we disagree on point two, so that's still a problem.

We've compromised on point three - I've given a bit and so have you.

Can we please settle this whole thing now and go home?

It takes such a long time to hammer out a deal, doesn't it?






hammer out


Review 6

A Complete the sentences with business verbs.

  1. When you have a different opinion from another person, you …. with them.
  2. When you want to speak while another person is talking, you …. them.
  3. When you give a little and the other person gives a little, you……………..

B Match 1-3 with a-c.

  1. chair
  2. make
  3. exchange
  • business cards
  • a date
  • a meeting

C Match the words with similar meanings.

argue    confirm   debate   discuss firm up   hammer out   propose put forward   talk over   thrash out

Money matters

 Buying and selling

shop around

sell off


pick up

sell out


The World Wide Web makes it easy for people to shop around for the cheapest price by moving from one website to another. It shouldn't take long to find a company which is selling things off cheaply. This means that big companies can now purchase their supplies more efficiently and ordinary people can pick up things at much better prices than before.

It's also easy to find what you want. If one company has sold out of a product, you can probably find it at another website. And if you're looking for something rare, visit a website which auctions unusual things to the buyer who pays the highest price.

If you're looking for something rare, visit a website which auctions unusual things.







I learnt to negotiate in our local street market. The traders all hated me because I bargained over everything. I knew their prices weren't fixed so I always haggled until they reduced them. When I didn't have enough money to buy something, I bartered I tried to exchange something of mine for something of theirs. And if I didn't like something that I bought I always took it back and, of course, they always refunded my money.

The traders all hated me because I bargained over everything.

Moving money








A: There's a mistake in my bank statement again. They've debited £100 from my account for no reason.

b: What about the money you took to the bank and deposited last week?

a: They still haven't credited that to me either, so I've got no money in my account.

b: Well, why don't you transfer some money from another account?

a: But I need to withdraw money today. I want to go shopping.

b: You can cash a cheque with me, if you like.

a: Oh, thank you. I'll repay you as soon as I've sorted this out.

They've debited £100 from my account for no reason.


foot the bill






I want you to go to New York to sort out a problem for me. Don't worry, Til foot the bill for everything, so it won't cost you a penny.

I'll advance you some money now to cover your expenses. If you spend more than that, don't worry, I'll reimburse you when you get back. Please charge me the normal fee for your services and invoice me when you've finished the job.

I'll advance you some money now to cover your expenses.

  Breaking the law

He tried to bribe a  police officer by offering him a gold watch.

He's always been dishonest; he's tricked people out of their money all his life. He was sacked from his first job when he swindled one of his customers by making him pay the bill three times. He lost his second job when he defrauded his company of several thousand pounds which went straight into his bank account. The end came when he tried to bribe a police officer by offering him a gold watch. In court the judge fined him a large sum of money and sent him to prison for several years.







Review 7

A Choose the correct verbs in these sentences.

  1. It was too expensive so we auctioned / haggled over the price.
  2. I needed cash so I debited / withdrew some from the bank.
  3. Can I cash / withdraw this cheque here?
  4. Til cover / reimburse you for your expenses when you return.
  5. It's against the law to bribe / fine a government official.

B Complete the sentences with business verbs.

  1. I want to find the best price so f m going to …. around.
  2. We haven't got any left; we've completely…. out.
  3. You don't have to pay, I'll…. the bill.


To market

The Dort GE 5000 will be officially launched at the start of next month.


The Dort Motor Company is pleased to announce a new model to add to its range of luxury sports cars. The new car, the Dort GE 5000, will be officially launched at the start of next month with a big party at our central London headquarters. At the same time, we'll also be bringing out a new version of our successful Dort GX two seater.

For more information, see our new catalogue which will be published later today. The full technical specifications will be released later in the week.

announce add


bring out



  In the shop

It's for my friend.

a: Can I help you, sir?

b: Yes. I'm interested in the cream that you're displaying in the main shop window.

a: Ah, yes. We're promoting that very heavily this week; as you can see, we've got pictures of it everywhere.

b: Is it generating a lot of interest?

a: Oh, yes. People have been enquiring about it all morning.

b: Can I see it?

a: Of course. You can choose from three different types and you can select any one of four different sizes.



generate interest




  On line








Calling all music lovers!

Why waste your time surfing the

Internet, when we can find your

favourite piece of music for you in

seconds? We specialise in finding

music to suit every taste from hip

hop to Humperdinckjust visit our

website and in a matter of seconds

you'll be downloading files

containing your favourite songs.

You can also browse through our

catalogue of over a million titles and

find out more about your favourite

stars by accessing our huge


Why waste your time surfing the Internet?

  Informing the public

A famous international tennis star is endorsing our products.

As you know, we're doing everything we can to publicise the new products. We're advertising them on TV and in the newspapers. A famous international tennis star is endorsing our products, so we've put her name on everything. We've also sponsored a number of local sports events, so we know that people will recognise our name all over the area.






  Getting feedback


get feedback


take off



a plug

We always knew that our new computer game would be a winner. Our market researchers reported an excellent response from everyone they interviewed. We also got excellent feedback from our main market - everyone was positive about it. The game was very well reviewed by the top computer games magazines. But sales really took off after a popular radio presenter gave the game a plug - he said some really good things about it on his programme.

Sales really took off after a popular radio presenter gave the game a plug.


Review 8

A Match the words with similar meanings.

browse   choose   bring out launch   select   surf

B Complete the sentences with business verbs.

  1. They …. our product a plug in a TV show last night.
  2. A famous racing driver is …. our new range of casual clothes.
  3. Sales …. after all the good publicity.

C Choose the correct verbs in these sentences.

  1. Lots of people are enquiring / reporting about the new services.
  2. You can download / recognise our files from the Internet.
  3. We are advertising / sponsoring our products on TV.







move on



Right, let me summarise in just a few words what I've been saying. I began by presenting the company's results for the last financial year. I explained why these figures were rather disappointing and described the difficult market conditions that we are facing.

Now I'd like to move on to the next part of my presentation and outline the key points of our new company policy.


Now I'd like to move on to the next part…


And has anybody mentioned to you that your proposal is completely illegal?


A:  So you're claiming that this strategy is the way forward for us. Tell us how you reached this conclusion.

B:  Well, first I defined the problem and then I tried to find the most logical solution.

A: Did anything else influence your decision?

B:  No, of course not.

A: And has anybody mentioned to you that your proposal is completely illegal?

B: Ah. That could be a bit of a problem, couldn't it?








We have concluded that your real problem is that you never listen to anybody else.

Griffith Marketing Consultants

Birmingham, UK

Dear Mr Campbell,

When you first consulted us about your new marketing strategy, we were happy to advise you. Over the past year we have suggested a number of solutions to the immediate problems that your company faces. We have also recommended several longer term strategies.

However we have now concluded that your real problem is that you never listen to anybody else and for this reason we wish to end our working relationship with you,

Yours sincerely, Patricia Griffith












cover up


We admit that we were wrong and we apologise for our mistakes. Everyone in the company is sorry and the two people who were responsible have confessed to what happened and told us the whole story. We're not going to give you any reasons for what happened because it's not possible to justify our actions. But as you can see, we're not going to cover up our mistakes and we'd like to assure all our customers that something like this will never happen again.

The two people who were responsible have confessed to what happened.



She really emphasised the fact that it was easy to use.

Nora wanted to persuade us to start using a new kind of software. Nobody was really interested, but she insisted that we listen. She did a long calculation which demonstrated how it could save us thousands of dollars in just a few months. She also really emphasised the fact that it was easy to use by repeating it over and over again. But by the end of the meeting, we still weren't convinced, so we didn't do anything about it.







Review 9

A Choose the correct verbs in these sentences.
  1. Are you claiming / mentioning that this will give us better results?
  2. We advise / consult you to cut your costs.
  3. They insisted / emphasised that they pay the bill for the meal.

B Match the verbs with similar meanings.

outline   persuade   admit   recommend confess   convince   suggest   summarise

C Complete the sentences with business verbs.

  1. When you give reasons for something that you did, you …. your actions.
  2. When you say that you're sorry, you …..
  3. When you hide something that youVe done wrong, you …. it…


  The factory

It says it's produced in France, but that's not the whole story.

a: So where are your products made?

b: Well, the outside of the box says that they're produced in France, but that's not the whole story.

a: What do you mean?

b: Well, most of the parts are manufactured in Taiwan.

a: And are they assembled in France?

b: Oh no. The parts are put together in a factory in Mexico.

a: So what do you do in France?

b: We package them in France - we put the products into their boxes - and of course our head office is there, as well.





put together










The process of developing a new product from an idea on a piece of paper to the finished item on a supermarket shelf can take many years. Our scientists are always experimenting with different combinations of materials and our marketing team is always researching possible gaps in the market. When they have found a new product and believe that there is a market for it, we pilot the product by testing it in a small part of the market and monitoring people's reactions to it. If we get a good response we then design some attractive packaging and start to sell the new product around the world.


Our scientists are always experimenting with different combinations of materials.


If they find a problerriy the product is simply thrown away.

We control our production process very carefully. Nothing leaves this factory until it has been inspected by a team of top scientists. They check to make sure that there are no defects in any of the products. If they find something wrong, the product has to be reworked. We remove the defective part and we replace it with a new one. Then our scientists check it again. If they find a problem this time, the product cannot be sold and is simply thrown away. Quality is very important to us.







The workshop







a: I've had a bit of an accident in my car. Can you repair it for me?

b: Let's see. We can beat that panel flat with a big hammer, so that's no problem. But the back is very badly damaged. We'll have to take it off and weld a new section onto it. We'll also have to bolt on a new front bumper and screw on a new number plate.

a: And what about the paintwork?

b: Oh, don't worry about that. We can spray the car any colour you like.

I've had a bit of an accident. Can you repair it for me?

The warehouse

I want you to lift all those crates up onto the top shelves.

We stock all the components for the factory in this warehouse, which means that we normally store over a thousand different parts here. Every time our supplier delivers new components, we have boxes and crates everywhere which we have to put away in their proper places. So I want you to lift all those crates up onto the top shelves. And when you've done that, you can shift those boxes from the front door to the back of the room. You'll soon get some muscles in this job.



put away




Review 10

A Replace the phrases with business verbs.
  1. Our products are put into boxes by robots,
  2. Scientists often try lots of different procedures to find new materials.
  3. Over 25% of their production has to be put out with the rubbish.

B Complete the sentences with business verbs.

  1. To stick two pieces of metal together you …. them.
  2. You paint a car by…. it.
  3. A supplier …. components to a factory.

C Match the words with similar meanings.

check  store   manufacture  remove put together     stock  inspect  take off assemble  produce

Business Verbs Index

Accept - I'm delighted to accept your invitation.

access - You can access the data on our website.

acquire - We've acquired three new factories.

add - We're adding to our range all the time.

admit - She admitted she was wrong.

advance - He advanced me £100 for materials.

advertise - They've been advertising on TV.

advise - They advised us to go to another bank.

agree - They agreed on a plan of action.

alight - Please alight here for the airport.

announce - They announced their marriage.

answer to - I'm the boss so you answer to me.

apologise - We apologise for any inconvenience.

apply - He's applying for a new job.

appraise - We appraise our staff every year.

argue - They argued for an hour.

arrange - Shall we arrange a lunch soon?

arrive - I'll meet you when you arrive.

assemble - The cars are assembled at our factory.

assure - He assured us that he would be there.

attach - The report is attached to this e-mail.

auction - They auctioned the painting today.

bargain - She bargained over the price.

barter - Don't use money; you can barter.

be associated - We are associated with that company

be Off - This fish smells strange; it must be off.

beat - We beat the metal flat here.

bid for - They bid $5 billion for the company.

board - The plane to Paris is now boarding.

bolt - These two parts are bolted together.

book - Can I book two seats on the 9.45 train?

break the ice - He told a joke to break the ice.

break up - The company was broken up.

bribe - He bribed the customs officer.

bring - Can you bring some more wine, please?

bring out - They're bringing out a new product

browse - I was browsing through their brochure.

call (back) - I'II call her back later.

call up - I call up the document from the disk.

cancel - I decided not to send it, so I cancelled it.

cash - He cashed a cheque for $1000.

catch - She's catching the next flight to Dublin.

chair - She chairs the meeting every Tuesday.

charge - He charged a lot for his services.

chat - Let's chat about your new idea.

check - We check all our products thoroughly.

check in - You need your passport to check in.

check out - You have to check out before midday.

choose - You can choose any colour you like.

claim - She claimed she could do anything.

click - I clicked on the send button.

close - He closed the meeting early.

collect - Collect your tickets from reception.

come through - Has that fax come through yet?

complain - We complained about the room.

compromise - They compromised on the price.

conclude - He concluded by saying goodbye.

confess - I must confess - I didn't think of that.

confirm - She confirmed the arrangements by fax.

connect - Can you connect me to Mr Jones?

consult - She consulted several people.

control - He controls the production process.

convince - He convinced her that she was wrong.

co-operate - We co-operate in the US market.

courier - It was urgent so I couriered it to them,

cover - The money didn't cover his costs.

cover up - He tried to cover up his mistake.

credit - £2,000 was credited to his bank account.

deal - He deals in shares on the Internet

debate - They debated the pros and cons.

debit - The bank debited $20 from his account

define - You need to define the problem clearly.

defraud - He defrauded his business partner.

delete - I didn't need it, so I deleted it.

deliver - They deliver the mail twice a day.

demonstrate - They demonstrated their new product

demote - They demoted him after poor sales.

depart - The train departs at 15.00.

deposit - They deposited gold in a Swiss account.

describe - She described the situation very clearly.

design - All our products are designed in Italy.

develop - She's developing a model for Italy.

dial - I dialled your number twice.

disagree - They disagreed about everything.

discuss - Let's discuss some of these new ideas.

dismiss - He was dismissed for stealing

display - They're displaying the new products.

divide - They divided the business into two.

download - You can download the software.

drive - You'll have to drive from the airport

drop off - I'll drop you off at your house.

e-mail - I e-mail you with the news.

emphasise - He emphasised the key points.

employ - The company only employs six people.

endorse - The French team is endorsing our car.

enjoy - I enjoyed the party very much.

enquire - Nobody has enquired about our service

exchange - We exchanged business cards.

expand - The company expanded last year.

expect - We're expecting four more people.

experiment - She experimented with different ideas.

explain - They explained their new plans.

fine - The judge fined the company $10,000.

fire - She was fired after sales fell

firm up - We can firm up the arrangements now.

foot the bill - We all had to foot the bill

form an alliance - The two companies formed an alliance.

forward - I'm forwarding Michael's report to you.

fund - How are we funding the new project?

generate interest - The adverts generate interest

get - I tried to get the message to you.

get back - We got back from the party at 2 am.

get feedback - We've been getting a lot of feedback.

get off - Get off the train in Toulouse.

give it a plug - He gave them a plug on the radio.

go bankrupt - The company went bankrupt.

go long - He went long on the dollar.

go on strike - They went on strike for more pay.

go out of business - They went out of business.

go short - She went short on sterling.

go through - After checking in, go through customs.

gossip - We gossip about everyone in the office.

greet - He greeted me with a firm handshake.

haggle - They haggled over the price for ages.

hammer out - We have to hammer out a deal today.

hedge - He hedged his investments.

hire1 - They're hiring people for the factory.

hire2 - You can hire a car at the airport.

hold (on) - He's engaged. Will you hold (on)?

influence - What influenced you to do this?

insist - She insisted she was right.

inspect - We inspect the factory every week.

insure - You should insure all your valuables.

interrupt - He always interrupts other people.

interview - She interviewed twenty people.

introduce - Let me introduce my colleagues.

invest - Invest in government bonds this year.

invite - I've been invited to two parties.

invoice - I invoice you for the work I've done.

issue shares - They're going to issue shares.

justify - She justified her decision to leave.

land - The plane will land in ten minutes.

launch - They're launching their new product.

lay off - They laid off fifty workers.

liaise with - My job is to liaise with our clients.

lift - Can you lift those boxes?

load - I loaded some more paper this morning.

log on - I logged on when I got to the office.

look forward - I look forward to meeting you. mail - I'll mail report to you immediately.

make a date - Shall we make a date for the meeting?

make a point - He made a good point about sales.

make redundant - She was made redundant last month.

manage - He manages a team of five people.

manufacture - We manufacture 40 different products.

mention - He mentioned the report briefly.

merge - The two companies merged into one.

mingle - We should mingle with the other guests.

minute - He minuted all the main points.

mix - She mixes well with everybody.

monitor - They're monitoring sales.

move - We'd like to move to a different room.

move on - Let's move onto the next section.

negotiate - We're negotiating a new contract.

offer - He offered her some more peanuts.

order - Can we order two coffees, please?

outline - You'd like to outline the main points.

package - These products are packaged for Asia.

pass over - He was passed over for promotion.

pencil in - I've pencilled in the meeting for Friday.

perform - He hasn't been performing well

persuade - They persuaded us to sell,

pick up1 - He picked up three new shirts for £25.

pick up2 - I'll pick you up outside your office.

pilot - She's piloting her new product in Texas.

pour - Can I pour you another drink?

present - We are presenting the main points.

print - I'll print you a copy of the memo.

proceed - Please proceed to gate 45.

produce - They produce 100 cars a day.

promote1 - She was promoted to finance director.

promote2 - They promote new books very well

propose - I'd like to propose two changes.

publicise - We're publicising a series of events.

publish - The results will be published tomorrow.

purchase - She purchased thousands of shares.

put away - I've put all the tools away.

put forward - She put forward an idea to save money.

put through - I'll put you through to his office.

put together - We put our products together by hand.

raise money - She s trying to raise money.

receive - I received your fax yesterday.

recognise - Everyone recognises their name.

recommend - They recommended new procedures.

redial - The fax machine is redialling.

reduce - He reduced the price by 10%.

refund - The shop refunded her money.

reimburse - Til reimburse you for your expenses.

relax - Just relax and enjoy yourselves.

release - We're releasing a new product in June.

remove - They'll have to remove the engine.

rent - You'll have to rent a car for a week.

repair - He tried to repair the damage.

repay - He repaid all the money that he owed.

replace - You'll have to replace the batteries.

report - She reported on the market's reaction.

report to - You report to your line manager.

represent - She represents a huge company.

request the pleasure - We request the pleasure of your company,

research - We're researching a new treatment.

reserve - Can I reserve a single room?

resign - He resigned from his job.

retire - He retired after forty years.

return - Return the car before 10 am.

return (a call) - Ym returning your call.

review - The papers reviewed our new product.

rework - They're reworking some of the figures.

ring (back) - He rang her back that evening.

run out - The fax machine has run out of paper.

sack - She sacked him because he lied to her.

save - I saved it to my hard disk.

screw - She screwed the bracket to the wall.

search - I've searched everywhere for the file.

select - Please select one of these items.

sell off - They're selling off last year's stock.

sell out - They've sold out of that new CD.

send - I sent your letter yesterday

set up - We've set up a meetings for March.

settle - let's settle this matter right now.

shift - He shifted the boxes to another room.

shop around - She shops around for the best prices.

specialise - We specialise in supplying wine.

split up - The company was split up.

sponsor - We sponsored the rugby team last year.

spray - She sprayed the car with green paint.

start out - She started out with $1,000.

state the obvious - He was always stating the obvious.

stock - We stock all the spare parts.

store - Can you store it in the warehouse?

strip - They stripped the company's assets.

suggest - We suggest a different course of action.

summarise - He summarised the main argument.

supervise - She supervises the telephone operators.

surf - I enjoy surfing the Internet.

suspend - They suspended him from his job.

Swallow up - A bigger company swallowed us up.

swindle - He swindled us out of millions.

take away - Can you take away our plates, please?

take off - The plane takes off at 7 pm.

take off2 - Sales really took off in the summer.

take on - They take on extra staff in August

take over - They took us over in March.

talk over - They talked over the proposal

thrash out - We'll have to thrash out a solution.

trade - She trades in futures and options.

train - She is training to be a Web designer.

transfer1 - III transfer your call to Ms Hart

transfer2 - You'll have to transfer to another plane.

trick - They were tricked into selling.

undo - I made a mistake so I tried to undo it.

visit - To find out more, visit our website.

walk out - They walked out in protest.

warn - I'm warning you - don't do it again.

weld - We'll weld these two panels together.

wipe - The file was wiped from the computer.

withdraw - She withdrew all her savings.

wrap - I wrapped the parcel carefully.


Review 1

A wipe/delete; connect/put through; ring back/call back

B   1 return 2 attached 3 courier 4 redialled

C  lc 2d 3b 4a

Review 2

A Starting - take on, apply, employ, hire

Finishing - retire, resign, dismiss, make redundant

B   1 answer 2 promoted 3 train 4 go on strike

C  1 report to 2 appraises 3 negotiating

Review 3

A trade/deal; go out of business/go bankrupt;

split up/divide; swallow up/take over

B  1 merged 2 going short 3 going long 4 hedge

C 1 expand 2 co-operating 3 bidding for 4 acquired

Review 4

A  1 check in/go through/proceed/boarding

2 hire/insure/return 3 checked out/store/collect

B  alight/get off; arrive/land; book/reserve; collect/pick up; depart/leave; hire/rent

Review 5

A  1 off 2 up 3 back 4 off 5 forward

B   1 arranged 2 invite 3 greeted 4 expected

C lc 2a 3b

Review 6

A 1 disagree 2 interrupt 3 compromise

B   lc 2b 3a

C argue/debate; confirm/firm up; discuss/talk over; hammer out/thrash out; propose/put forward

Review 7

A 1 haggled 2 withdrew 3 cash 4 reimburse 5 bribe

B  1 shop 2 sold 3 foot

Review 8

A browse/surf; choose/select; bring out/launch

B  1 gave 2 endorsing 3 took off

C 1 enquiring 2 download 3 advertising

Review 9

A  1 claiming 2 advise 3 insisted

B outline/summarise; persuade/convince;

admit/confess; recommend/suggest

C 1 justify 2 apologise 3 cover … up

Review 10

A 1 packed 2 experiment 3 thrown away

B   1 weld 2 spraying 3 delivers

C check/inspect; store/stock; manufacture/produce; remove/take off; put together/assemble


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